Wah! Clicks

Smartphone Photograhy

Welcome to Wah! Clicks, your ultimate destination for unlocking the art of captivating smartphone photography and crafting compelling narratives through your mobile camera lens. Whether you’re an aspiring smartphone photography enthusiast or a seasoned pro, we’re dedicated to helping you harness the potential of your smartphone to capture mesmerizing moments and tell unforgettable stories through your photos.

Smartphone Photography Courses and Workshops

Our photography tours and workshops, based on wahclicks 25+ years of field and teaching experience, are designed to help photographers across skill levels.

Practical Learning

Indoor and outdoor learning – classroom sessions along with field outings and safaris

On-field Guidance

On-field guidance and image review – get instant feedback

Camera Settings

Focussed inputs on correct camera settings – learn to play around with lighting

Post Processing

Learn post processing – option for detailed post processing session for workshop participants.

Photography Competitions

Photography competition – put your learning to test (for photography tour participants)

Holistic Approach

An overall holistic learning experience.

Wahclicks Photo Tips

The importance of light in photography

Photography workshops / Webinars

The bedrock in your pursuit of photography excellence. Our photography workshop, along with our online photography classes, is designed to teach all you need to get a firm grip on the basics of photography. Typically spread over two days, the first day is dedicated to imparting the core principles.

Wahclicks Students’ Work

 this space, we showcase to you some of the outstanding work of Wahclicks students – online and app subscribers as well as photo tour participants. With SSP’s courses, you can master any genre of photography.

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